If I won the Lottery.....
Me and the other half never really play it but If we did win I'd firstly pay of our debts.
I would probably buy a house thats a little bigger than what we have now, though I'm kind of attached to this one but I would however love more space.
Hmmm what else....
I'd love to travel more and would maybe buy an around the world ticket for the 3 of us. I'd make my husband leave work to come traveling.
Put some money in a bank account for mini me
I'd buy an Audi Q7
I would give my parents and my husbands mum a little to help them out
I would fill my wardrobe up with new clothes,shoes and handbags.
I would buy a really good camera so I could take lots of good quality photos
and I'd use some money for my studies and to self publish a book or magazine.
I'm happy and content with my life without millions in the bank, as someone said money doesn't buy happiness.
Thirty Mummy x

Those are great ideas! - especially the new camera if you want to travel.