Tonight I realise that I need a good kick to get by motivation back. There are so many things I want to do but I procrastinate too much. So here are a list of things I'd like to do before I turn 31 on December 15th 2012.
- Grow my Blog
- Learn how to use all the functions on my camera and not use the auto setting
- Learn to Program (I have started this with some Java and CSS) and get some qualifications in I.T
- Lose 1 stone in weight
- Write a book or start a magazine (This ones a bit ambitious) I'd settle for improving my writing skills
- Make a start on the craft tutorials on my Pinterest board, my sewing machine is huffing because it hasn't been used recently.
- Go on a road trip (this one is happening in August its for Charity, If you'd like to sponsor us heres the just giving page - Just Giving)
- Learn to do some up-styles with my hair
- Learn to sing
- Get little things around the house finished, like the tiling in the kitchen thats only taken 4 years so far to get around to.
Thirty Mummy x
Great list. Im already 31 and I always said I'd be my ideal weight again by then but hasn't happened. Best of luck you have 7 months :)