Friday, 11 May 2012

31 day blog challenge..... Day 11

List 15 things of you favourite things.....

  1. Anything apple I love my IPhone and Macbook, I'd be lost without them.
  2. My Sewing Machine it hasn't been used much recently but it will be coming out today so I can make a cardigan.
  3. My Kindle I love it because I can just put it in my handbag and read where ever. (still love my real books too)
  4. Blogging, although I only started properly in January this year and still new to it all I love it and I'm striving to become a better writer. 
  5. Chocolate fudge cake, It has to be warm though
  6. Being fortunate to have an amazing husband who lets me be a SAHM
  7. My two favourite people The husband and Mini me.
  8. Hiding under the duvet when it's raining outside
  9. Mojitos we first had these a few years ago in turkey
  10. Coffee 
  11. Twitter, I've made some lovely new friends recently
  12. Pinterest, I always think I'll go on for a quick look and I'm still there 2 hours later and usually hungry after looking at all the yummy recipes.
  13. Scarves, I love them and may have too many
  14. Music I love lots of different types and music
  15. Taking Photos, I think my husband is getting annoyed at me always ticking pictures of things.  

Thirty Mummy x


  1. Fab list and with you on most of those! Would be lost without my collection of apple items lol and fast becoming addicted to blogging and Pinterest xx

  2. I too have pinterest, blogging and photography on my list :)

    Getting more into twitter recently!

  3. love your list! - alot of us have put our Apple productsso far :) xxx

  4. We share a few of the same favs ;)

  5. Not a fan of mojitos, but the rest I am right there with ya! :)
